The research unit Healthcare aims to produce thematic and multidisciplinary knowledge about health and care. The great changes that cross the health sector, demographic changes that are occurring in Portuguese society and the emerging needs at the level of care in the community require to develop studies that allow the mapping of the major theoretical developments and strategies that point to policies and interventions more effective. Changes in interpreting the concept of health become increasingly evident, the importance of the involvement of health professionals in the community, including the promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention are very important. Identify and intervene in Community health needs taking in consideration the national health program. We intend to study the policies regulating activity of health care organizations and guiding overall strategy for this sector. In the vast field of professional practices focusing the study on health professionals.
Specifically we aim at:
- Health education and Community care;
- Health policies and practices.
Ana Teixeira | | ORCID
Assunção Nogueira | | ORCID
Clarisse Magalhães | | ORCID
Fátima Ribeiro | | ORCID
Fernando Miguel Dias Oliveira | | ORCID
Isabel Araújo | | ORCID
Liliana Ávidos | | ORCID
Lurdes Teixeira | | ORCID
Maria Clara Simões | | ORCID
Raquel Esteves | | ORCID
Rui Alberto Jesus | | ORCID
Sara Lima | |
PhD Students
Francisca Pinto | |
Luísa Pinto | |
Nuno Araújo | |
Viviana Thais Vasconcelos | | ORCID
Project title: Health literacy and lifestyles of CESPU employees
Aim: Describe health literacy level of CESPU employees and its influence on the habits and lifestyles to establish intervention and implement health education activities.
Materials: “My life style Scale”(Ribeiro, 2004) and “ Health Literacy Screening Questions”- S- TOFHLA adaptation- (Chew, et al., 2004), Portuguese version .
Sample: 105 employees.
Funding Entity: CESPU. IPSN. Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Sousa
Period covered: February 2014 – April 2015
Leader: Raquel Esteves, PhD
Research Team: Assunção Nogueira PhD
Nursing Students: Anabela Barbosa, Hélder Vieira, Joana Barbosa, Luís Barbosa,Sara Pinto.
Project title: Exploring health status and preventing health risks in elderly living with telehealth assistance in Paredes.
Partnership: Câmara Municipal de Paredes
Aim: Characterize health conditions of elderly inserted into a telehealth program and its implications on daily activities; define an intervention program of home education for the prevention of health risks.
Materials: sociodemographic and telehealth questionnaire; SF 36 scale (physical and emotional role, pain, general health, social function, mental and physical health), home visits during 6 weeks to intervention (group and individual interventions).
Funding Entity: CESPU. IPSN. Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Sousa
Period covered: February 2014 – April 2015
Leader: Assunção Nogueira , PhD
Research Team: Fátima Ribeiro MSc, Luísa Brochado, MSc
Nursing Students: Ângela Moreira, Bruna Costa, Cátia Ferreira, Helena Oliveira, Júlia Ferreira
Project title: Health literacy and lifestyles in Tâmega e Sousa residents
Aim: Validation the Health Literacy (HLS-EU, 2012) to Portuguese population. These study is a collaboration with Escola Nacional de Saúde Publica (Portuguese Health school).
Materials: Health Literacy (HLS-EU, 2012). Health literacy Scale with 12 dimensions and may be applied in health promotion, prevention and health care. This questionnaire allows to characterize people knowledge’s, competencies and motivation to identify, understand, evaluate and applied health information.
Sample: 1500 residents.
Funding Entity: CESPU. IPSN. Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Sousa
Period covered: February 2014 – April 2015
Leader: Clarisse Magalhães, PhD
Research Team: Francisca Pinto, MSc
Nursing Students: 3rd and 4th year.
Project title: The Primary Health Care as a Strategy for the (re)configuration of SUS: the perspective of users (UNIFESP/CIES-IUL – CNPq).
Projet abstract: This study aims to produce knowledge of primary health care in Brazil and organizational models of Basic Health Units – the principal units of health primary care.
Funding Entity: MCTI/CNPq
Period covered: 2013 – 2016
Leader: Luiz Cecilio
Research Team: Luiz Cecilio, Rosemarie Andreazza, Lurdes Teixeira, Graça Carapinheiro, et al.
.2015 . Influence of community pharmacists׳ attitudes on antibiotic dispensing behavior: a cross-sectional study in Portugal. (Journal Article) Clin Ther, 37 (1), pp. 168–177.DOI: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2014.11.006. |
.2014 . Médico de família: mudanças organizacionais e reconfigurações profissionais (Book Chapter) (7), pp. 52-67,Rede de Investigação sobre Condições de Trabalho, Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto. |
.2014 . Um Olhar sobre a família do doente oncológico: o cuidador principal (Book Chapter) Dias, Maria do Rosário and Durá, Estrella (Ed.): Territórios da Psicologia Oncológica, 2 pp. 43-65,Climepsi editores, ISBN: 9789727963409. |
.2014 . Cancro da mama: novos contextos e velhos problemas. Reflexões sobre um programa de ensino sistematizado (Book Chapter) Dias, Maria do Rosário and Durá, Estrella (Ed.): Territórios da Psicologia Oncológica, 2 ,Climepsi Editores, ISBN: 9789727963409. |
.2014 . Literacia em Saúde e em Cancro: Evidências, oportunidades e desafios (Book Chapter) Dias, Maria do Rosário and Durá, Estrella (Ed.): 2 ,Climepsi Editores, ISBN: 9789727963409. |
.2014 . A informação sobre cancro da mama na internet (Book Chapter) Dias, Maria do Rosário and Durá, Estrella (Ed.): Territórios da Psicologia Oncológica, 2 pp. 199-222,Climepsi Editores. |
.2014 . PERSYVE - Design and validation of a questionnaire about adverse effects of antihypertensive drugs. (Journal Article) Pharm Pract (Granada), 12 (2), pp. 396. |
.2014 . Portuguese community pharmacists' attitudes to and knowledge of antibiotic misuse: questionnaire development and reliability. (Journal Article) PLoS One, 9 (3), pp. e90470.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090470. |
.2013 . Comportamentos dos enfermeiros perante os alarmes clínicos em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos: uma revisão integrativa (Journal Article) Rev. Enf. Ref., III Série (11), pp. 105–112, ISSN: 0874-0283.DOI: 10.12707/riii12107. |
.2013 . Understanding physician antibiotic prescribing behaviour: a systematic review of qualitative studies. (Journal Article) Int J Antimicrob Agents, 41 (3), pp. 203–212.DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2012.09.003. |
.2012 . A Reforma do Centro de Saúde: percursos e discursos (Book) ,Mundos Sociais, ISBN: 978-989-8536-10-5. |
.2012 . Famílias com um idoso dependente: avaliação da coesão e adaptação (Journal Article) Rev. Enf. Ref., III Série (nº 6), pp. 95–102, ISSN: 0874-0283.DOI: 10.12707/riii1171. |
.2012 . Sobre o envelhecimento humano, a qualidade de vida e a violência nos idosos (Book Chapter) Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses (Ed.): , ISBN: 978 -88-95565 -77-4. |
.2011 . Efeitos das Ferramentas de eLearning na Aprendizagem dos Estudantes da Área da Saúde (no Ensino Superior) (Miscellaneous) |
.2011 . [Living older in the family context: dependency in self-care]. (Journal Article) Rev Esc Enferm USP, 45 (4), pp. 869–875. |
.2010 . A vulnerabilidade como proximidade segundo a parábola do Bom Samaritano (Journal Article) Carthaginensia: Revista de estudios e investigación, 26 (49), pp. 155-167, ISSN: 0213-4381. |
.2006 . Influence of pharmacists' attitudes on adverse drug reaction reporting : a case-control study in Portugal. (Journal Article) Drug Saf, 29 (4), pp. 331–340. |